WRITE ON - Home offers Kind Fools’ intuitive writing WRITE ON workshops using the theme of “home” with communities that have a special relationship with the concept/experience of home. These workshops provide a supportive and creative environment for an exploration of our individual and collective relationship with the idea, feeling, and experience of home.

  • Workshop 1:00pm to 4:00pm, Wednesday July 17, 2024 at Raha Coffee House in Arabic and English
  • Workshop 1:00pm to 4:00pm, Tuesday July 30, 2024 at Fitz Books & Waffles in Burmese and English
  • Workshop 1:00pm to 4:00pm, Tuesday August 13, 2024 at Fitz Books & Waffles in Spanish and English
  • Workshop 1:00pm to 4:00pm, Tuesday August 27, 2024 at Fitz Books & Waffles in French and English

The goal of this project is to build just relationships (and a common sense of community) among people across the city, to foster confidence in self-expression and writing, and to build paths of mutual respect and understanding. Putting the comfort and emotional safety of our participants first, we seek to discover what these writers create from their lived experience. What universal truths and commonalities arise among each group’s writings? What is unique in each person or groups’ relationship with home?

For more information on this collaboration between The New York Immigration Coalition and Community Canvases’ Kind Fools, or to explore hosting these workshops with your community, please reach out to
        Anna Porter at aporter@nyic.org or (315) 729-2308
               or to
        Hy Carrel at hy@kindfools.org or (716) 259-2725

WRITE ON - Home Poster French
WRITE ON - Home Poster English
WRITE ON - Home Poster English
WRITE ON - Home Poster Spanish
WRITE ON - Home Poster English
WRITE ON - Home Poster Burmese