I Have A Gemini Mind
Written at WRITE ON!Permalink
Written at WRITE ON! is a series of articles written by participants during a WRITE ON! workshop, and shared with the community.
This was written by Jeremiah Schmelling during Kind Fools’ fifth WRITE ON! workshop. Inspired by Life Among the Gemini by Jesse James Johnson on page 98 of Living in the Land of the Dead.
I Have A Gemini MindPermalink
The things and elements that intertwine and juxtapose
Within the frame of my own mindscape,
Limitless like space.
Wonders and horrors.
Hopes and fears.
Manifested and rearranged at my own whim,
In the twilight zone of my imagination.
I change the channel at will.
I have my favorite channels of frequented mood and obsession.
My top favorites are comedy, sci-fi, discovery, and fantasy,
And the lesser known UHF stations of internal conflict and existential dread.
Though I am free to surf the internal cosmos of mind and matter,
I find myself glued to my own screen.
Must see TV broadcast live from downtown me-ville.
Can’t write this stuff, it’s so crazy.
But here I am, and here we are.
Playing our part in our own runaway satirical epic drama comedy
documentary telenovela with a bottomless box of microwave popcorn.
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