Written at WRITE ON!

Written at WRITE ON! is a series of articles written by participants during a WRITE ON! workshop, and shared with the community.

Hy Carrel wrote this during Kind Fools’ December 19, 2023 WRITE ON! workshop, and read this during Buffalo’s 2023 Homeless Persons’ Memorial.

Cold days, colder nights.
Walking from warmth to warmth,
Few and far between
Like sunny days in Buffalo’s winter.

Code Blue, City Mission
A hotel room with DSS’s permission.
2-1-1 option 4 after 5 PM
And back to DSS again
Then, Coordinated Entry and SPOA
RSI at the library, what an Angel!
586, Holy Cross and Salvation Army
Cornerstone and Little Portion Friary

Will Marcy, BestSelf and Matt Urban.
Harvest House, Friends, and UB Heals,
Diana Proske with NLS, what a guardian angel!

Rhonda, Mark, Sean, Heather and Claire

So many lives.
So many dreams.
So much harder.
Then we need to make them.

There goes each of we,
But for events within neither our control nor our comprehension.

Lead with love and compassion
Housing is a human right!
Look upon our homeless breathren
Not as a sight.
Look upon them as a light.
A light that shines on what we might improve
About our city, county, country

In our City of Good Neighbors.
In this city we build up with all our labors
No one should die in abject poverty.
No one should die upon these streets.
Accomplishing this is no small feat.
But this is right.
And sometime before we die,
Do you think you might,
Join us to try?

Do you want to write with us?
Please join us for an upcoming Kind Fools’ WRITE ON! workshop.
Do you want to read your WRITE ON! writings here?
Please submit your piece.