Written at WRITE ON!

Written at WRITE ON! is a series of articles written by participants during a WRITE ON! workshop, and shared with the community.

Jeanna Manspeaker wrote this during Kind Fools’ first WRITE ON! workshop with YouthBuild Buffalo on August 9, 2024

The Unknown

Life is scary. The unknown is scary. What can I do about that? Am I able to do anything about it? The feelings I have are strange and distant when it comes to fear. I used to avoid it at all costs. Numbing, or dissociate. But now I know the only thing I can do about fear is be prepared for it and keep a light on in myself. When I search for a light in the dark it might not be there so I need to be my own lantern.

Without fear it would mean we don’t care, so I have to find comfort in that. I care so much about my time on this earth and want to experience all of life’s mysteries. Perception can be intriguing if you allow yourself to see things differently.

Once you see fear as a guide rather than an obstacle, that’s when I feel you truly learn who you are and what you are capable of.

Listen on Internet Archive

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